Impact 100 Indy - UPGRADED

2025 Membership Form

2025 Membership Form

Registration form heading

Step One: Your Information

Step 2: Membership Level

Step 3: Payment Plan

Step 4: Payment Method

Step 5: Member Participation

Section 6: Demographics

We require our grant applicants to provide their demographics, and feel we should be able to provide it to anyone asking about our membership. Your answers are not stored in our database, and are collected for demographic reporting only.

Section 7: Submission

I understand when I click the button below to submit this information, I am confirming my intention to become a member of Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis and promising to make the required membership donation.

Donation Options

Anyone who does not wish to enter information online can contact us at or Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis, PO Box 40531, Indianapolis, IN 46240, or click here for a printable membership/donation form.

Direct Payment Methods

  • Check Mail your check payable to Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis to Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis, PO Box 40531, Indianapolis, IN 46240. If the check is not for a membership, please include your contact information and how you wish your donation to be used.
  • Credit Card Click the link for the type of donation you wish to make:
Credit Card note: when entering your credit card number, you must enter the card number, expiration date, security code, and your zip code. Failing to enter the zip code at the end of that entry will cause the transaction to fail. The system prompts for the zip code, but many users seem to overlook it as part of the credit card information sequence.

Indirect Payment Options

There are not links for these donation types. Once you have made arrangements for one of these types of donations, please send an email to with the details for the donation.
  • Family or Other Foundation 
  • Donor-Advised Funds, IRAs, and other financial institutions who will send the donation from your account
  • Employer Match
  • United Way Note: United Way keeps as much as 25% of your designated donation to cover their costs. Please consider adding to your designation to make up for the amount they keep.


Send an email to with information on who should be invoiced and for how much, and where the invoice should be sent. Unless otherwise requested, any remaining amount not paid toward membership donations will be invoiced for the remaining amount on December 1 and due on December 31.

Other Payment Methods

We like to think we thought of everything, but maybe we missed one. Send an email to to propose other payment methods. Please note we do not accept non-cash donations in trade for membership.


Send an email to (Please note: this is not a link... you will have to go into your email application and enter our email address-it's a limitation of this form).

Thank you for supporting The Power of Women Giving as OneĀ®. 

Important information about your donation:

  • Impact 100 does NOT share or sell member or donor information for any reason. We do thank those who make donation beyond their membership in our annual Giving Report and on our Donor Page unless we are asked not to use a donor's name.
  • Impact 100 is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) public charity and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
  • All membership contributions for 2025 Membership are due IN FULL by December 31, 2024.
  • Your submission of this form indicates your acceptance and agreement to the information entered on the form. 


New Member Orientation

Information to help a new (or even a returning member) understand how Impact 100 works.

Membership FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about being a member of Impact 100 Greater Indianapolis